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九游体育app娱乐 where he also served as the Lincoln Filene Professor of Business Administration and Senior Associate Dean. -Ninegame-九游体育「中国」官方网站|jiuyou.com

时间:2024-12-10 09:05 点击:134 次

九游体育app娱乐 where he also served as the Lincoln Filene Professor of Business Administration and Senior Associate Dean.            -Ninegame-九游体育「中国」官方网站|jiuyou.com

(原标题:Executive Vice Chancellor of Duke Kunshan University: China deserves more credit for going green)

21st Century Business Herald reporter Sharon Hu

China has taken a very important leadership role in all things green, noted John Quelch, the executive Vice Chancellor of Duke Kunshan University.

John Quelch believed that Chinese government officials have realized that climate change was real and recognized the need for new products, services and approaches. They have strategically decided to leapfrog legacy technology to invest in these products and services.

John Quelch has extensive experience in the global higher education sector, having served as Dean of the London Business School, the China Europe International Business School, and the Miami Herbert Business School. Quelch was a professor at Harvard Business School for over thirty years九游体育app娱乐, where he also served as the  Lincoln Filene Professor of Business Administration and Senior Associate Dean.

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Ninegame-九游体育「中国」官方网站|jiuyou.com-九游体育app娱乐 where he also served as the Lincoln Filene Professor of Business Administration and Senior Associate Dean. -Ninegame-九游体育「中国」官方网站|jiuyou.com